torsdag 21 januari 2016

16. 1. Fullvuxna män och kvinnor har rätt att utan någon inskränkning med avseende på ras, nationalitet eller religion ingå äktenskap och bilda familj. / 16. 1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.

FN:s Mänskliga Rättigheter, på svenska, och nu kommer artikel 16. 

Artikel 16

1. Fullvuxna män och kvinnor har rätt att utan någon inskränkning med avseende på ras, nationalitet eller religion ingå äktenskap och bilda familj. Män och kvinnor skall ha samma rättigheter i fråga om äktenskaps ingående, under äktenskapet och vid dess upplösning.

2. Äktenskap får endast ingås med de blivande makarnas fria och fulla samtycke.

3. Familjen är den naturliga och grundläggande enheten i samhället och har rätt till samhällets och statens skydd.

English speaking people, hello! I have forwarded the United Nations Universal Human Rights for you. Make sure you use them. And spread them. To others. Because they also deserve to know. Remember. There might me light spots here and there, everything is not bad everywhere (even if some media sources seems to try to scare the shit out of you, to keep you worried, keeping you under unecessary pressure, so they can control you a bit, just a little bit, so you feel exactly as overwhelmed as needed, to not really care about what is going on, but just mind your own business.” and not making to much trouble). 

But what I wanted to say is, that per my opinion, the freedom of mankind, when it comes to laws, regulations, etc, seem to decrease. 

If we do not do anything now, or enough now, to handle that - I do not know where we will end up. We have to do something about it now. 

These Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the thing that I think that at least 80 percent of the population in the world would agree to and would like to get in use. Ok, the rest, the 20% that do not like thee rights, we cannot let them violate our rights, right? They do not have the right to do this. Since it is an estimation from my side, 80-20, I do not know if you agree to that, but let´s say that it would a decent guess. Then it means that we are 4 guys for the Human Rights, and 1 guy against the Human Rights. Which means that we, the good guys, will win! BUT, since the ones that do not like these rights, or do not care about them, tend to make such a noise, it is easy to believe that the bad guys are more in number than we, who likes them! 

So, do not buy that trick. It is not true. I think it is a lie. But we have to spread these rules, NOW, because if we do not, we cannot guarantee that they will continue to exist! I cannot. You cannot it. The chance we have now is to spread them now. Fast. Get them in use. Demand from our selves and other, that they are getting used. 

If you want to spread them, spread them, if you do not care, please spread them anyway, because it will gain you in the end anyway. You can link to this blogg if you want, or find some other source for the Universal Rights of Human Rights, link to it, spread brochures etc, or what ever fits you best.

Spread them in what ever way you want, as long as they get spread. Use them. Demand that they are getting used, everywhere in your environment. It is YOUR rights. You are responsible for them. As well as me. As well as all other member of mankind. But we need to let ALL of them know first, that they have these rules. So that they can act if they want.

Over to you.

Here comes article 16:

Article 16 

1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution. 

2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses. 

3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.

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