torsdag 7 januari 2016

11. DU ÄR OSKYLDIG TILLS DU BEVISATS SKYLDIG - Använd och sprid de Mänskliga Rättigheterna NU! / 11. YOU ARE INNOCENT UNTIL YOU ARE PROVEN GUILTY - Use your Human Rights and spread them NOW!

Kan du dina Mänskliga Rättigheter? Om inte, passa på att lära dig dem och sprida dem. Använd dem för din egen del

Besök gärna och beställ material att sprida nu direkt så du kan sprida dem bland dina vänner, arbetskamrater, familj, grannar, idrottsförening, i din stad etc etc. Passa på, de är nu "GRATIS" men det krävdes åtminstone ett andra världskrig för att de skull fås till stånd. Därför var de DYRA. Om vi inte skryddar dem nu och verkligen genomdriver dem och TVINGAR IGENOM dem där de inte används och börjar använda dem, så kanske de försvinner? Dags att titta upp från Iphonen, tv-apparaten, sömnen etc och se vad som händer runt omkring oss. Enligt mig är våra mänskliga rättigheter hotade, även i Sverige. Det är hög tid att ta fram dem nu och använda dem. För vilken nytta gör de annars? I samma mån som vi skyddar dem kommer de att finnas kvar. I samma mån som vi inte skyddar dem, kommer de inte att finnas kvar. Du spelar en viktig roll i det. Jag med. De andra också.

Vad tycker du?

Om du har lust att illustrera någon av de mänskliga rättigheterna med en bild eller teckning eller liknande så kan jag jag lägga upp den här!

Artikel 11. 

1. Var och en som är anklagad för brott har 

rätt att betraktas som oskyldig till dess att hans 

eller hennes skuld lagligen har fastställts vid en 

offentlig rättegång, där personen åtnjuter alla 

rättssäkerhetsgarantier som behövs för hans 

eller hennes försvar.

2. Ingen får fällas till ansvar för en gärning 

eller underlåtenhet som inte utgjorde ett brott 

enligt nationell eller internationell lag vid den 

tidpunkt då den begicks. Det får inte heller 

utmätas strängare straff än vad som var 

tillämpligt vid den tidpunkt brottet begicks.


“ Article 11 

1. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be 

presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a 

public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary 

for his defence. 

2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on account of 

any act or omission which did not constitute a penal offence, 

under national or international law, at the time when it was 

committed. Nor shall a heavier penalty be imposed than the 

one that was applicable at the time the penal offence 
was committed.

It took a second World War to actually get these Human Rights. That was the price for it. Now they are for free. They are still for free. But the more we MISS to protect our Human Rights, the more we have to fight to actually have them. It is like a space, if these rules, and what they mean, and the power and position they have, the more these points and pushed aside, or ignored, the less power we will have to actually protect them. It is much more easy to protect them NOW, when we HAVE them. 

Can you see that the freedom of mankind in society is actually decreasing? The space and private sphere is decreasing. You are more or less watched all the time via your phone, surveillance cameras etc. And rules are changed so that "we can continue the war against terror". Which will basically continue until you have NO freedom left - if we do not stop this insanity NOW.

The fact is that you, on your own (I really believe this) can change the world. You can change your self, your friend(s), your family, your school class, your work place, a whole city, or a whole country to the better. If the Human Rights (for example) is not used, i think that YOU, alone can get them in, by persistent work. I know, it sounds like a LOT. And maybe it is. But I am sure it can be done. And of course it requires to get the rest of the people WITH you, to work for the same thing. But you were the one that started it, and you are gonna be the one that continues until it is done. If you want to do it. the it will happen. I believe in you, in your abilities and what you can achieve. 

Can you imagine what would happen if you were 100 or 10 000 or 100 000 or 1000 000  or 1000 000 000 people that demanded that (for example) the Human Rights HAVE to be used in each corner of the world? I mean, it would take 2 seconds before they were fully in if 20-40 % of the population in a city, region or country agreed to the same positive decent change. Of course there is a certain percentage of people in the world that would HATE that the Human Rights would be in full use, that people would have integrity to use them, stand up, demand and "smoke out" the criminals that openly or covertly works against these Human Rights. 

I just saw that SOMETHING had to be done to change the current scene in the world. And the Human Rights was the thing that I thought MOST people really would agree to, work for and would support. That is the reason I think we should work for them.

If the Human Rights are in 100% use in your area - GREAT - then go to the next area in your city, country etc, or help the people in your neighboring country, city, family or person. I think that the problem is that, when these points are not in USE, the one that is a suffering from them that they are not in use - is the one - or the ones that CANNOT really see it, or lack the power to put them in USE. So if you see them that they are not in USE, help them to get them in. Use your power, position and integrity to handle that area, as good as you can, even if just by showing them a booklet or similar.

Step by step, these points will get back in use, if they are not, we just need to continue to remind us about them, and make sure they are in use, each one of them.

What do you think?

(If you are interested in illustrating any of the Human Rights you can send it to me, as long as it is your own creation and we can put it up here together with that article.)

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